Citizen Charter
Our Commitments
# Unbaised, quick and cordial service with full integrity and honesty,
# High quality of construction and development works at appropriate cost,
# Punctuality and transparency in all transactions,
# Time-bound delivery of all services and redressal of complaints,
# To make available at reception counter, all information regarding time-bound disposal of various on-going programmes,
# Organise regular public camps for quick disposal of pending matters
# Organise regular public camps for quick disposal of pending matters
Determining/Fixation of Time-Schedule and responsibilities for time-bound disposal of various Tasks and redressal of Public Grievances.
Expectations of Citizen Charter
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1. Plot/house/property Allotment |
2. Building Plan Approval |
3. Land Acquisition, Development Works And Maintenance of Public Services |
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4. Redressal of Public Greivances |
5- Obligations of Consumers |
6. Procedure for registration of Complaints |
Property Section
S. No. | Purpose/Enquiries | Time Schedule | Officer Responsible | |||||
To obtain information regarding avalibility of plots / houses in various schemes
24 hrs.
Property Officer
2 | To obtain information regarding new schemes of Development Authority/ Housing and Development BoardTo obtain information regarding new schemes of Development Authority/ Housing and Development Board | 24 hrs. | Property Officer | |||||
3 | To submit application for registsation of plot/house allotment | 2 days |
4 | To obtain information regarding progress of plot/house allotment | 3 days | Property Officer | |||||
5 | To obtain costing of plot/house | 5 days | Accounts officer | |||||
6 | To obtain allotment letter | 2 days | Property Officer | |||||
7 | To obtain calculation memo regarding instalments of plot / house | 7 days | Property Officer | |||||
8 | To obtain details of interest/penal interest calculation | 10 days | Property Officer | |||||
9 | To obtain Reschedule of installments | 15 days | Property Officer | |||||
10 | To obtain Settlement of anamalies in the deposited amount | 10 days | Property Officer | |||||
11 | To obtain Verfication of file documentation | 10 days | Property Officer | |||||
12 | To obtain Reinstatement of plot/house allotment on request made within 30 days of cancellation | 3 days | Property Officer | |||||
13 | To obtain Costing for complete payment | 10 days | Property Officer | |||||
14 | Transfer or renaming of plot/building | 45 days | Property Officer | |||||
15 | Mutation of plot/house | 60 days | Property Officer | |||||
16 | To obtain copy/inspection of file | 5 days | Property Officer | |||||
17 | Execution of agreement/sale deed | 15 days | Property Officer | |||||
18 | Conversion of Lease hold land to free-hold | 15 days | Property Officer | |||||
19 | To obtain posession letter after registration of sale deed | 5 days | Property Officer | |||||
20 | To obtain refund of registration/any other due amount to unsecsessful applicants after the lottery | 10 days | Property Officer | |||||
21 | To know the status of progress regarding submitted application | 5 days | Property Officer | |||||
22 | To obtain miscellaneouse information regarding properties | 15 days | Property Officer | |||||
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Building Section
S. No. | Purpose/Enquiries | Time Schedule | Officer Responsible |
To obtain information at the counter regarding plan approval formalities
Incharge, Building Section
2 | To obtain Providing prescribed forms at the counter for submission of plans | Immidiate | Incharge, Building Section |
3 | To obtain Providing prescribed forms at the counter for submission of plans | Immidiate | Incharge, Building Section |
4 | Submission of plans for plots upto 300 sq mt. of area | Immidiate | Incharge, Building Section |
5 | Approval of plan for unitary plots of more than of area | 30 days | Incharge, Building Section |
6 | Approval of plan for group housing/commercial buildings | 90 days | Incharge, Building Section |
7 | To obtain information regarding sub-division/lay-out plan fee (including securing of NOC from concerned departments) | 45 days | Incharge, Building Section |
8 | Approval of sub-division/lay-out plan | 45 days | Incharge, Building Section |
9 | Approval of plan for purchaseable F.A.R. | 30 days | Incharge, Building Section |
10 | Approval of plan for compensatory F.A.R after policy descision | 30 days | Incharge, Building Section |
11 | Plan renewal | 15 days | Incharge, Building Section |
12 | To obtain information at the counter regarding Compounding bye-laws | Immidiate | Incharge, Building Section |
13 | Approval of compounding plan | 90 days | Incharge, Building Section |
14 | Hearing of notices against unauthorised/illegal construction | 2 days | Incharge, Building Section |
15 | Action against unauthorised/illegal construction | 7 days | Incharge, Enforcement |
16 | To obtain copy of approved plan | 7 days | Incharge, Building Section |
17 | To obtain Land-use information as per Master Plan | 7 days | Incharge, Planning Section |
18 | To enquire about the date fixed for hearing of case from the Presiding Officer | 90 days | Incharge Planning |
19 | Issue of Completion Certificate | Immidiate | Incharge, Building Section |
20 | Disposal of application regarding change of Land-use | 30 days | Incharge, Building Section |
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Land Acquisition, Development works and Maintenance of Services |
Engineering Section
S. No. | Purpose/Enquiries | Time Schedule | Officer Responsible |
To know the boundaries of land proposed for acquisition
5 days
Engineer Aquisition
2 | Disposal of application regarding readjustment of land in the Authority’s scheme | 90 days | Incharge Planning |
3 | To secure approach to private land from Authority’s scheme | 90 days | Incharge Planning |
4 | Starting repair of drains, parks and roads etc. in the Authority’s colonies | 30 days | Incharge Planning |
5 | Repaire of street-light in the Authority’s colonies | 7 days | Incharge Planning |
6 | Restoration of water supply in the Authority’s colonies | 1 day | Incharge Planning |
7 | Completion of large development / construction (incomplete) works | 45 days | Incharge Planning |
8 | Completion of small development / construction (incomplete) works | 30 days | Incharge Planning |
9 | To obtain physical possession of plot | 7 days | Incharge Planning |
10 | To obtain physical possession of building | 15 days | Incharge Planning |
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>> Independent agency to be deployed for registration of complaints
>> All complaints will be registered through above mentioned agency
>> Complainant will submit complaint in the prescribed form at the Authority`s Counter
>> Complainant will have to deposit prescribed fee alongwith application form to register the complaint
>> Agency will issue a complaint number and date for communicating Action Taken Report
>> Agency will forward all complaints to the Secretary, Development Authority on day to day basis
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The Agency will provide the ATR to the complainant on due date. The Government shall Monitor the System By Exception and penal action would be taken against the Officer responsible for negligence. | ||
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उपभोक्ेक्ता का दायित्व
1. Do not purchase plots or buildings with disputed ownership title
ऐसे भूखण्ड/भवन क्रय न करें जिनका स्वामित्व स्पष्ट न हो,
2. Plot or building should be purchase only in such scheme where lay-out plan has been sanctioned by the Competent Authority
केवल ऐसी योजना में भूखण्ड/भवन क्रय करें जिसका ले-आउट प्लान सक्षम प्राधिकारी द्वारा स्वीकृत हो,
3. Do not purchase plot or building falling within undeveloped land or unauthorised
अविकसित भूमि अथवा अनधिकृत रूप से निर्मित कालोनी में भूखण्ड/भवन का क्रय न करें,
4. Do not purchase house or building whose construction is illegal
अवैध रूप से निर्मित भवन क्रय न करें,
5. Comply with formalities relating to plan approval and pay all prescribed fees/charges.
मानचित्र स्वीकृति सम्बन्धी समस्त औपचारिकताओं का अनुपालन करें तथा देय सभी शुल्कों का भुगतान करें।
6. Construct your house after approval of the building plan and in accordance with the approved plan.
भवन का निर्माण मानचित्र स्वीकृति के उपरान्त करें और निर्माण स्वीकृत मानचित्र के अनुसार ही करें,
7. Complete construction of the building within validity of the building permit
मानचित्र स्वीकृति की वैधता अवधि के अन्दर ही निर्माण कार्य पूर्ण
8. Use your land or building as per land-use prescribed in the Master Plan.
भूमि/भूखण्ड का उपयोग महायोजना में निर्धारित उपयोग के अनुसार ही करें,
9. Do not encroach upon road, drain, park, public land, etc.
सार्वजनिक भूमि, सड़क, नाली, पार्क, आदि पर अतिक्रमण न करें,
10. Do not choke/plug the drain abutting your plot or building by covering it with earth or any other material.
अपने भूखण्ड/भवन के सामने सड़क/फुटपाथ पर मिट्टी डालकर नाली अवरूद्ध न करें,
11. Do not encroach upon others land or property.
अपने भूखण्ड/भवन के सामने सड़क/फुटपाथ पर मिट्टी डालकर नाली अवरूद्ध न करें,
12. Do not carry out illegal construction on your land or plot.
निजी भूमि/भूखण्ड पर अवैध निर्माण न करें,
13. Do not continue construction in case it is sealed.
निर्माण कार्यसीलबन्द होने की स्थिति में आगे निर्माण न करें
14. Pay all installments by due date relating to plot or building allotted by Development Authority/ Housing And Development Board.
विकास प्राधिकरण/आवास एवं विकास परिषद द्वारा आवंटित भूखण्ड/भवन की किद्गतों का भुगतान समयबद्ध करें,
15. Pay all charges by due date related to maintenance of civic amenities.
जन-सुविधाओं हेतु देय अनुरक्षण शुल्कों का नियमित एवं समयबद्ध भुगतान करें,
16. Extend full cooperation in the maintenance of civic amenities.
जनसुविधाओं के अनुरक्षण एवं रख-रखाव में पूर्ण सहयोग प्रदान करें,
17. Do not install motor pump on water supply main.
पानी की सप्लाई लाइन पर सीधे मोटर पम्प न लगाएं,
18. Do not purchase plot/building or get any other work done through the mediators/dalals.
बिचौलियों/दलालों के माध्यम से भूखण्ड/भवन क्रय न करें, न ही कोई कार्य करवाएं,
19. Extend the full cooperation to the field staff of the Authority/ Housing Board in discharging their responsibilities.
प्राधिकरण/परिषद के फील्ड स्टाफ को उनके दायित्व निर्वहन में पूर्ण सहयोग प्रदान करें।
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Name of Complainant
Address |
Telephone No. |
Date of complaint |
Subject of complaint_ |
Dept./Section/Officer, |
against which the complaint is made |
Mode of complaint: mark 7.1 Written |
First regestered complaint No. |
Progress of action taken |